Friday, December 25, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas: The best 24 hour stretch of the year, which begins at about 5 pm on December 24th.

Probably my favorite tradition is reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to my kids. I missed it twice when I was overseas, and it was gut wrenching. As I am preparing to do my fatherly duty we have some business to attend to. The kids have been cleaning and playing in the snow all day. After they thawed out we had a quick and easy dinner, watched A Christmas Story, then it was time to break out the book and gather all the kids up for story time. After the cookies and milk were put out and the little monsters were finally put to bed two of Santa's "elves" had to bring all the presents down from their hiding places, finish wrapping up the ones that slipped passed the wrapping process, and get them under the tree. It really is magical!

Photo from my iPhone. Finally done. It looks so beautiful. So peaceful.

Nothing beats the feeling of watching these little monsters shred the wrapping paper, which my wife so lovingly encased each present in, with their tiny claws and admire it briefly before moving on to the next one. It's the best, and it will begin in a few short hours. Then it will be my job to assemble all things requiring assembling, and of course testing them out to make sure they work properly... Breakfast will happen somewhere in there, which of course will be cinnamon rolls. Then it will be on to dinner preparations. Ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin rolls are all on the menu. And for a night cap I have a pint of Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout in the back of the fridge.

Another year inches closer to it's end. Another Christmas down. A whole year to get ready for the next one.

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